Complex Rules for installing Solar

Category Advice

Article Provided by Leanne Jooste, B Law Inc. Attorneys

Rules for installing solar power while living in a complex

If you are living in a complex in South Africa and you want to install solar power, there are several rules and regulations that you should be aware of. Here are some general guidelines:

Check with your Homeowners Association (HOA)/Body Corporate (BC) or landlord:

  • Before installing solar panels, you should check with your HOA/BC or landlord to see if there are any restrictions or guidelines for solar panel installation in your complex. You may need to provide them with a detailed proposal, including information about the location of the panels, the type of panels, and how the system will be installed and maintained.

Review your lease or rental agreement:

  • If you are renting your unit, you should also review your lease or rental agreement to see if there are any restrictions on installing solar panels. Some landlords may require written permission before you can install solar panels.

Follow local regulations:

  • In South Africa, there are regulations that govern the installation of solar panels. These regulations may vary depending on your location, so it's important to check with your local municipality or authority to find out what rules apply in your area.

Get a professional solar panel installer:

  • Solar power systems are complex and require specialist skills to install. Get a few different quotes. Make sure that you use a qualified installer who is accredited by the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) or another recognized industry body and who has at least three years' experience and efficient post-installation service. Ask for references.
  • The panels should come with a manufacturer's warranty. Ask for the manufacturer's and the installer's warranty.
  • Don't make upfront payments until an installation schedule has been agreed upon to prevent waiting for the team for weeks to arrive.

Investigate all finance options available:

  • Banks and bank-approved solar suppliers market solar panel payment packages. These include rent-to-own, outright equipment purchase, subscription services, and paying for generated electricity only. Determine the best option available to suit you.

De Lucia Group has been servicing the property industry for over 45 years. Contact us to ensure you get the best advice for all your property-related queries. Michael De Lucia -

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Author: De Lucia Group

Submitted 18 Apr 23 / Views 4085